Like with any subject, there are lots of opportunities for artists to depict others' or their own interpretation. I would argue, however, that politics has provided more fuel for artists than almost any other combustible source. The recent satirical Barry Blitt New Yorker cover of Mr. and Ms. Obama is one such example. Browse the newsstands today, and you're likely to see any number of interpreted angles on whichever issue is getting the once over on Morning Joe. Check the history books and you'll see a plethora of examples, including political cartoons dating back to Benjamin Franklin's "Join, or Die" days. Remember, the eight-pieced snake, ultimately used as a call to the colonies to unite against the British toward independence?
Political illustrations can be incredibly potent because of the thought involved in developing an idea and subsequently depicting a subject matter that can strike a raw nerve with certain segments of the global population.
Even talking about it can set some folks off. In fact, I may be inches away from setting myself off if I go any farther with such partisan talk. (Just kidding, by the way.)
This McCain-Obama image was done especially for my last newsletter, which had as its theme: politics.
The scrollable nature of e-newsletters lent itself to a strong vertical format and telling the story from top to bottom. The sepia-tone was a conscious decision, as it added a hint of color and a bit more richness to the email.
Politics will continue to be a hotbed of activity through that day in November when we walk, or skitter to the polling booth. Inspiration often-times comes from challenges, real or perceived, in one's life. If one can find a positive to our statistically-divided nation, it is that the partisan friction is great fodder for thought-provoking imagery.
Despite the fact that I am not a US citizen, I am enthralled with this piece. My work involves meeting alot of Americans, and its easy and almost too obvious how serious a toll this current election has had on its people. I'm anxious to see the outcome. Your portrait is definately worth a thousand words to hundreds of thousands of people!
Hey Allan! Have not been much of a blogger as of late, have been really busy and in the mix of all things I moved into a new place. Will be back in action soon.
I love the art that you have been posting, the Obama and McCain piece is cool. For sometime I have been one of those artists that stayed away from political art and now it’s a whole new category for me to jump into. Nothing is save I tell you! Of course I don’t like restrictions, but always nice to see another artist take advantage of their talent and express a bet of history, it’s always cool and very American.
i love this! you work is always amazing! im glad you have work outside behance so i can keep up with you. check my blog out if you get a chance.
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